Thursday, August 20, 2009

Classic Misdirection?

The hunt for Evan Ratliff continues. The IP addresses that have been provided so far are mostly TOR nodes that mask someone's location. Two notable exceptions are an IP address in Los Angeles and then another one from San Diego. In the article that started this hunt, Evan describes how Matthew Alan Sheppard used an intentional misdirection to help him vanish. 

The only "clues" we have from someone on Twitter, from a recently opened account (August 18), is from @JohnsonThrimp a variant of a known alias (Thrimp Johnson) for Evan given to us by Wired. The @johnsonthrimp account today added his location as London. Anyone can put any location on the Twitter account. The "clues" Thrimp have mostly pointed in the direction of Sacramento, California. Evan's FastTrak toll bridge account has him leaving San Francisco heading possible towards Sacramento.

I don't know if @johnsonthrimp is Evan or someone helping Evan. It's odd that the two times Evan has not masked his IP address, the locations are in southern California, and the clues we have from @johnsonthrimp lead us to northern California.

Just some thoughts, feel free to draw you're own conclusions.

1 comment:

  1. IP address ( used August 21, 2009 7:53pm tracks back to San Diego Ca This after suspected purchase of pair of swim trunks online
